More than a year the vote was taken, discussions are still ongoing regarding the Harden Tennis Club’s move to a proposed multisport facility at the Harden Country Club. With the ongoing discussions, issues are literally starting surface at the tennis court site in Albury Street.

“Discussions are moving extremely slowly,” said Michelle Kennett of the Harden Tennis Club. The Sports Incorporated Group is the current venue of discussion, with a letter of interest for discussions on the Tennis Club’s move being received from the Harden Country Club.

“It’s a positive offer,” said Michelle.

However, with the current pace of developments, issues are starting to arise at the current Tennis Club site. “Cracks are starting to surface on the courts. The courts are still usable, but the cracks are starting to affect the outcome of games, which can be pretty competitive at times,” said Michelle.

Michelle said that the club was now on the hunt for a commercial grinder to smooth the surface of the courts as a cost-effective temporary measure until the courts move to another site.

The club is also crying out for volunteers to coach junior tennis, after the retirement of Tennis Coach, John Allen. John’s 24-30 kids are currently being taken for half hour lessons by Damian Minehan, and Andrew & Michelle Kennett.

“Any help at all would be appreciated,” said Michelle. “You don’t even need to have formal qualifications.”