People are not being confined to their homes. Shops will still be open.

“We are not putting in place lockdowns that put people and confine them to their home. That is not a measure that has been contemplated at this point. So there is no reason for anyone to do that. There is also no reason for anyone to rush to one of those venues tomorrow before midday.”

Shopping centres are not closing, he says.

“Shopping centres are not closed. I have not said that tonight. I’ll go through the list again. Closure of pubs, registered and licences clubs, excluding bottle shops to these venues, the off-licence component, hotels in their licensed venues but excluding the accommodation, gyms and indoor sporting venues, cinemas, entertainment venues, casinos, night clubs, restaurant and cafes, which will be restricted to takeaway and/or home delivery as any other venue can. Religious gatherings, churches and places of worship, and for funerals or things of that nature in enclosed spaces it must be within the 4 square metre rule to apply to those venues.”

Morrison flags more strident measures if Australians do not follow the guidance on social distancing, including in shopping centres.

“As we’ve just made very clear, that when that doesn’t occur, then more dramatic measures have to be introduced. I would simply ask Australians to be calm and exercise some sensible judgement.”