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We are not sure how mother nature does it each week however after yet another downpour on Thursday afternoon, Harden Touch Footballers graced the hallowed turf of Robert’s Park to take part in this week’s matches.

The Bindon Bruises were too strong with Ben Davis scoring 3 tries for the Bruises in their match against DPM Fitness. Molly Fredericks, Blane Whybrow, Shelley Quinn and Hamish Bradford all got a meat pie for DPM, however the fitness fanatics could ‘t keep the Bruises at bay going down 11-8.

Jackson’s Bakery & Cafe and Garangula played a match (I Know I was there) however they were both short of players and failed to record a score on the score sheet, ‘naughty naughty’.

The ABC Freighters turned up in force and cleaned up the Binalong Bangers 16-3. Max O’connor turned up in work boots and was treated to some ribbing from his team mates. Mr O’connor  was able to cross the line for 3 tries and helped get his side home against Max Giles’ Bangers. Gilesy scoring the first and only try for Binalong.

The Harden Pharmacy Red Devils downed the Hard Rock Gym 11-4 with four try scorers sharing in the spoils. James Collins showed plenty of pace in giving his side a chance going in for 2 tries. James’ father Scott admitted James didn’t get any speed from him.

The Retro Cafe accounted for Thompson’s Rural 9-2. The Fiesta Chicken must be the secret with several players dining on the chicken breast before taking the field. Nathan Schofield and the father son pairing of Jon and Aiden Hill getting the job done for the Retro.

Kennet Rural and the Binalong Boozers played a very close match with Kennetts getting the prize pig for the win. George Daly, Gus Lenehan and James Daly combined for Kennetts with 8 tries between them whilst Beau O’Mara and (due to the fact the score sheet wasn’t filled out correctly, someone else  scored several tries while Dylan Arabin chipped in with 2.

The Light Horse Hotel mucked around for half an hour on their own in an inter team trial after Johnos Painting decided there was ‘wet sheep’ and failed to arrive at Robert’s Park.

Robert Scott Electrical gave the GTH Hornets a lesson in touch when they accounted for them 17-6 in a thrashing. Ryan Daley, Kai the Kaiser Steele and Rob Scott himself combined for 6 tries. Bailey Pennell scored 2 tries for the Hornets keeping the score respectable.

The Young Guns piled on 9 tries to  the Fit n Wells 5 and ran out deserved winners 19 points to 10 with Jakob Halls scoring 3 tries for the Guns.

Charlie Butt scored 2 for Romani and the Polemini brothers score a try each for the Jugiong Jackasses. Romani going out winners 9-4.

The Carrington Crusaders ran out winners in their clash with Electric Septics 9-8. Nick Alcorn scored 2 tries for the Septics whilst the scoring was shared between 5 individuals in the crusaders side with powerhouse Michael West scoring the important 3 pointer.

Austin Grace and Patrick Smith combined to score 5 points between them for the Average Joes in their 5-0 win over the Smashing Cherries.

Twomeys Wii Not Fit snuck home against  the Demondrille Merinos 9-8. Adam Wade scored the 3 pointer for Wii whilst Terry Howe left the farrier tools at home and scored a nice try for Demondrille in a close one.

Got the Runs got the runs on the score sheet with a 15-6 win over the Originals who managed 6 points. Harry Forsyth was great for the ‘Runs’ utilising his speed to great effect.

9-0 was the score in the last match of the day with the Hard Rock Gym coming out victors over Hard n Fit who suffered from a lack of man power with 3 Ings’ and 2 Hockings making up 5 players who turned up for Hardn Fit.

Will it rain next Thursday? you bet it will!