Harden-Murrumburrah welcomes a new Policeman to town, with Senior Constable Adrian Hughes joining Constable Stuart Watts at the Harden Police Station. Senior Constable Hughes enjoyed his first day in the town on Tuesday this week. He transferred to the country after 8 years in the city. For the Senior Constable, Harden contrasts starkly with the busy and “cosmopolitan” (to put it mildly) streets of Newtown where he was previously stationed. But it’s also a welcome one. “I was getting tired of Sydney,” he said. “I wanted more engagement with work, as well as personally and with the community. You don’t get much of that in the city.” His colleague, Constable Watts, who has been in the town for over twelve months, also attests to the benefits living and working in a small community. “It makes the job more satisfying,” said the Constable. “There is more independence.” For both Policemen, the community plays a vital role in policing the town and district. “In a close community, word gets around,” said Constable Watts. “But without community support, we don’t know what’s happening.” According to them, the community has played a vital role in curbing the activities of a suspected prowler in the town. “We had a larger volume of information on the prowler come in after the press release was published,” said Constable Watts. As a result of the information, said the Constable, a Target Action Group was able to be deployed at the times and places the prowler was known to be active. “Since then, we have had no reports of the prowler,” said the Constable. Both Policemen urge anyone who has any information about suspicious activity to ring the Harden Police Station on (02) 63 862 644. If the station is unattended, the call will go to Cootamundra Local Area Command, who will deploy the Police resources required. The Police Assistance Line can also be reached on 131 444 for non- emergencies. In case of an emergency call ‘000’.