The 2015 Harden Gold Trail & Colonial Festival was a great success even though the number of people attending was a little less than last year.

There were lots of things to see and do and activities for the children including gold panning, sheep shearing and gum boot throwing. Unfortunately no-one accepted the Bash Up Boys’ challenge for the tug-o-war – maybe next year eh?

The Historical Society members created a display in the pavilion related to gold, bushrangers and the Cunningham Plains which had a link to the Campbell family who featured in one of two re-enactments put on by the Gold Trail Re-enactment Group. There was lots of noisy gun fire and even a barn burning during one of the re-enactments.

The Franklyn B Paverty Bush Band did a fabulous job again this year, providing us with music and song throughout the day. They also performed at the dinner dance held on the Saturday evening at the Mechanics Institute.

The committee would like to thank everyone who contributed to a successful Festival, whether by sponsorship or by assisting with set up on Saturday and clean up on Sunday afternoon – your assistance was very much appreciated. Special thanks must also go to Harden Shire Council, the Kruger Trust and Bendigo Bank for their major sponsorship of the Festival.

Pictured are Thomas O’Brien and Luke Dowell during the re-enactment.