Beau (8), Mandy and Zac (5) on the tractor on the family property.

Delta Ag is sponsoring a brand new health and wellbeing program for farmers in the district. Active Farmers will commence in Jugiong on Tuesday May 23 at 5:30pm To celebrate the introduction by Mandy Bourlet, Delta Agribusiness is running a FREE Active Farmer class.

The event, held at the Jugiong town hall will be suitable for all levels of fitness and ability. Mandy said, “Being passionate about fitness and health, living on a property and running a business with a small family I have had to be flexible and adapt my training and exercise to suit my lifestyle that I wish to live. I believe everyone should have access to sport, fitness and wellness facilities. My goal is to help others live a mindful, healthy and active lifestyle as well. I hope to inspire others and to help others to live the best life they can live. I hope it can bring the community together and it’s a great way for people to meet up and chat and connect with each other. It is a good way to deal with mental health by connecting with your community.”

“I have always been interested in fitness and completed my Certificate 4 with the Australian Institute of Fitness in 2015.” She said, “Dont be shy – the more the merrier – spread the word, Jugiong, because its going to be lots of fun.” Participants should bring a water bottle, active wear and runners, inner gloves/thin gloves for boxing, A yoga mat if you want to use your own and an open mind. The event is open to all farmers and the Jugiong community as well as anyone else who may be interested in getting fit in both body and mind. It doesn’t matter what level of fitness you have or how much experience you have, the programs are designed to be suitable for everyone.

Active Farmers believe the more the merrier and the more diverse the group the better. For any questions or concerns get in touch with Mandy at Once the program commences prices are: One off class = $15. 10 class pass = $150 ($15/class) One month/one class per week = $50 ($12.5/class). One month/two classes per week = $80 ($10/class). One month pass with two classes/month = $27 ($13.5/class) Three months/one class per week = $130 ($11/class). Three months/two classes per week = $204 ($8.5/class)