The month of May commences the enrolment period for Trinity for 2018. If you know of any preschoolers or students who would like to attend Trinity, please invite them to come to the Open Day on Wednesday May 17 commencing at 9:30 am and concluding at 1 pm. Research on how parents choose schools across Australia tells us that word of mouth remains the most important source of information for parents considering which school best meets the needs of their child. Choosing a school is an important decision, and we know that our best ambassadors are our students, families and staff. The Archdiocesan Catholic school system has a particular responsibility to welcome, accept and support those who are poor, marginalised and in most need. Our conviction is that no student will be refused enrolment or be disadvantaged because of an inability on the part of parents/guardians to meet financial requirements. If you happen to know of any parents who would like to send their children to Trinity but have concerns about meeting the financial requirements, can you please pass this information onto them.