GrainCorp has confirmed the $8.1 million upgrade to its site in Cunningar is on track after passing the 25% completion mark. The project started mid-February and is jointly funded by the Australian Government, Local Community, Hilltops Council and GrainCorp.

GrainCorp’s Regional Manager for Southern New South Wales, Sarah Roche, said: “It has been great to get going with the project that we know the local community has been looking forward to for a long time.

“Most of the preliminary earth works have been completed and we are transitioning to the construction of the rail sidings and overhead rail bins. We have already completed over 7,500 man hours of work.

“Each component on site must be carefully engineered to ensure they all work together and deliver the designed outcomes. Fabrication of the steelwork and silos is in full swing, trusses for conveyors have already been delivered to site and piling for footings is underway.

“Safety remains the priority of the GrainCorp team so we appreciate the help of local residents to stay clear of the work zone.

“We will keep the community updated on the progress of the site and I am pleased to say we are on track to complete as scheduled,” Ms Roche said.

Hilltops Council is also pleased with progress, as General Manager Anthony McMahon explains: “Council continues to be committed to making the project a success in partnership with GrainCorp. We have worked with GrainCorp to facilitate safer ways for trucks to enter the site and are pleased with how the construction is being managed.”

Local residents with questions or feedback about the project should contact the local project manager on the details below:

Project Manager, Amalie Smith

Phone, 0417 353 206
Postal, 1 Wentworth St Wagga, NSW 2650