Hilltops Council has released a Media Statement asking residents to collect firewood ‘responsibly and consider the environment’ when doing so.

The statement says “Council’s roadsides and reserves are often the last refuge of intact remnant woodlands and are of high conservation status. By conserving these small areas of existing vegetation, Council hopes to maintain viable habitat corridors for native fauna and maintain and enhance the richness of flora and fauna in our environment. Firewood on public land can only be collected and removed under a permit from the relevant agency. This may be the RMS, NSW State Forestry, Local Land Services or Council.”

Hilltops Council, however, does not issue permits.

General Manager, Anthony McMahon said “Due to Council’s role in managing and protecting the roadside environment, along with safety issues, Council does not permit the felling of trees or the collection of firewood, including fallen timber, from Council’s roadsides or reserves. It is important for the community to understand the importance of not ‘tidying up’ the roadside by removing debris or fallen timber for firewood. Natural features such as logs, leaf litter, fallen timber and rocks left on the ground provide important habitat for our native fauna. Council hopes that by raising awareness in the community those either inadvertently or deliberately doing the wrong thing avoid potential fines.”

McMahon said “Council can issue significant fines to anyone caught collecting wood from the side of the road and cutting down a tree may result in prosecution. Those seeking firewood should either purchase it from a reliable source or collect it from private property with the landholder’s permission. Wood should be collected from private property responsibly with consideration of the environment and native habitat.”

The news will disappoint weekend firewood gatherers who make it a winter outing, to collect wood to keep their families warm.