The Southern Weekly will cease publishing this week with Fairfax media announcing that April 24 will be the final edition.
The Southern Weekly website said “Over the years the publication and its associated online presence has provided both information and an insight into life on the land in the region. We would like to thank our many loyal readers and businesses who have supported The Weekly which has covered many of the issues affecting the agricultural sector across a large part of Southern NSW, from Parkes to Tumut and Hillston to Crookwell.”
Approximately 32,000 copies were printed each week covering dozens of towns, including: Wagga Wagga, Alectown, Barmah, Barnes, Bellmount Forest, Bendick Murrell, Berremangra, Bethungra, Bevendale, Biala, Bimbi, Binalong, Blighty, Blowclear, Bogan Gate, Booroorban, Boorowa, Bowning, Breadalbane, Broula, Bumbaldry, Bunnaloo, Canowindra, Cargo, Conargo, Condobolin, Cootamundra, Corridgery, Cowra, Crookwell, Crowther, Cudal, Culcairn, Cullerin, Cunningar, Dalton, Daroobalgie, Deniliquin, Derriwong, Echuca, Eugowra, Forbes, Frogmore, Galong, Golspie, Gooloogong, Grabben Gullen, Greenethorpe, Grenfell, Gundaroo, Gunning, Gunning, Gunningbland, Hall, Harden, Henty, Hillston, Holbrook, Illabo, Jerrawa, Jugiong, Kandungle, Kangiara, Kiandra, Kikiamah, Koorawatha, Laggan, Laverstock, Lockhart, Manildra, Mathoura, Mayrung, Moama, Monteagle, Moonbria, Morago, Moulamein, Murga, Murrumbateman, Murrumburrah, Muttama, Narallen, Noorong, Ootha, Parkes, Peak Hill, Pretty Pine, Rmbs, Roslyn, Rugby, Rye Park, Stockinbingal, Sutton, Tangmangaroo, Taralga, The Rock, Tichborne, Toogong, Tottenham, Trewilga, Trundle, Tullamore, Tumut, Tuppal, Urana, Wagga Wagga – Raaf Base, Wakool, Walbundrie, Walla Walla, Wallendbeen, Walli, Wanganella, Warraderry, Wheeo, Wombat, Woodstock, Yarrabandai, Yass, Yerong, Young.
Fairfax look set to throw more resources at the ‘Rural’ insert which has been placed alongside the Southern Weekly for some time now.
Image: twitter.