Kai Steele Cricketer of the Year, Todd Spackman Clubmen of the Year, Max Spackman Most Improved and Most Ducks. Max shared the Most Ducks award with another player but got the suit on the night. Paul Potts Bowling award, Rob Bunt Captain’s Choice-Best Player in the Grand Final and Greg Brown with son Mitch’s award, for most consistent. The Harden Cricket Club held their Presentation with fifteen members attended the evening, Chaired by Secretary/Treasurer Kelvin Brown. Kel remarked that the Club’s B Grade team was successful in winning the Sweeney Cup in the Yass Association Competition. But not so much in winning, but in the way the TEAM enjoyed themselves throughout the season and also by bringing a few junior players into the fold to continue Harden’s Cricketing prowess. The club will be looking to fundraise as well as seek sponsorship for a new scoreboard at Tim Doolan Oval in the near future.  Kelvin said he would like to thank The Twin Town Times for their coverage of the season. The Twin Town Times would like to also thank Kelvin for his efforts.