The Daily Grind Christmas! It can’t just be me can it ? Of course not ! Everyone loves Christmas, Catching up with  Family and friends, Christmas lunch, Gift giving and receiving, attending Mass and  holidays. I usually start to get excited early October, much to The Pants’s Horror as I make suggestions for the hanging of the Christmas lights to the Exterior of our home.

Every year I have visions of assembling something similar to ‘The Griswold’s Christmas Vacation’ and the efforts Sparky (played by Chevy Chase) accomplished in covering the entire house in clear sparkling lights.  We are yet to achieve this out come and seeming as I am afraid of height’s disabling me from actually doing any of the hanging, I am subject to the Pants and his patience. Don’t get me wrong I am ever so grateful and respect the man’s work and give him gentle  direction from the ground, using terms such as ,’ it needs to go a bit higher’, ‘no that’s a little bit too low’ ‘I just thought of something else’ and God bless him, he does a cracker job!

I secretly just keep adding to our light collection and I think by 2020 my dream may become a reality. The Christmas Tree goes up, the 1st of December and it is a family effort. I try to restrain myself with the children’s ability to decorate the tree but suffer from P.O.P.D, commonly known as ‘perfect ornament placement disorder’ and an after hours session is usually carried out to ‘tweak’ just a few things. When you think about it everyone’s planning a party on the one day ! it is going to cause a certain element of mayhem. It starts in December as soon as the calendar is turned over, people get what I like to call ‘Chrissie Chaos Syndrome’.

You will notice it when out and about shopping, keen shoppers obtain a look on their faces that says ‘I am on a mission, I need to get in, get what I need and get out’  This can also be experienced in the over crowed car parks, as all of a sudden one feel like they are in a dodgem car instead of a sedan. The Summer heat adds to the insanity as we only feel half normal whilst in air conditioned environments.  Trolleys are bumper to bumper as of course everyone wants to get ‘ The big Christmas food Shop’ done in the last few days before the big day.  As we all know the  Shops are then closed for public holidays and we think we are all going to starve to death.

Regardless, on the December 25 it’s Christmas day, what didn’t get done won’t matter and it’s time to celebrate, eat way too much food and kick back. I think most would agree with me when I say,  there is nothing better than hearing children running down the hallway with delightful screeches that ‘Santa’s been!’  It is a time for family, friends, reflection on those who are no longer with us and Christianity. So from me and mine, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe holiday, God Bless.