Jordan and Jarod Phelan with dad Paul are excited at the prospect of using the brand new Quintrex boat which Paul won at the Harden Country Club, with his lucky key on Sunday afternoon. The Boat giveaway is a promotion the club runs year round.

Local man Paul Phelan is celebrating after taking out the major prize in the Harden Country Club raffle, a Quintrex 370 Explorer Fishing Boat and trailer package.

He and his sons, Jordan and Jarod are looking forward to make good use of their prize, hopefully exploring the waterways of Burrinjuck for the first time these summer holidays. Paul and his wife, Paula, originally hail from Wollongong and moved to the Galong area in the past 12 months.

They both love the ‘tree change’ lifestyle, and the nature of the local community. Paula said she admires the way the close nit community keeps the kids honest. “They can’t do anything without me finding out,” she says.

The family has come to love the Harden Country Club, and in particularly, the way it has started to bring other community groups together for fundraisers and the like. Paul promised his sons he would take them down the coast in April if he won the boat; a promise they will no doubt hold him to.