Annie Jacobs & Michelle Kennett will be working hard to ensure the future of the former Harden Shire area’s interests.

HRDC have created a brilliant opportunity for the community of the old Harden Shire, and indeed the whole Hilltops region, through the instalment of a new, cutting edge position, Manager Community and Commercial Strategies. The position attracted some 10 applicants resulting in 6 interviews, with all candidates presenting to a very high standard. The interview panel recommended two applicants in a shared role, as it was felt that this would strengthen and expand the position’s ability to maximise opportunities and deliver results for the region. HRDC, have endorsed the panels recommendation and enthusiastically welcomes Annie Jacobs and Michelle Kennett to this exciting new position.

Annie and Michelle are both passionate and committed to building a sustainable future for the region, and will be very busy with several projects, identified by HRDC, including constructing and implementing new ways to sell the unique features of our region; increasing community engagement; supporting current projects; skills capability building; helping businesses to grow and differentiate themselves; encouraging new business and commerce to the town and promoting Harden and surrounds as a tourist destination off the back of the International Airport in Canberra. This work will be done in collaboration with key stake holders and groups, including our community, Hilltops Council and Government bodies to ensure a strong and persistent voice for our region. Both ladies are excited by the challenges ahead and are looking forward to engaging the community in discussion and workshops to ensure the strategic direction includes the needs indentified by the whole community.

Annie stated, “ We will be working directly with the community and through the HRDC sector delegates, to achieve this level of involvement with our biggest stake holder, our community. Annie and Michelle will be working from a shop front within the CBD of Harden and will have an open door policy to all community members and visitors. Michelle was very clear about community involvement, “It is our objective to be transparent in what we are doing so activities and projects, their time lines and progress will be clearly displayed. This will make us accountable to ourselves, HRDC and you the community, for whom our endeavours are focussed.” HRDC recognises that many ideas and projects will take substantial time to be realised and ask for the community’s long term support, persistence and patience, while we strive toward our goals. HRDC’s board take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy festive season with family and friends and looks forward to working closely with our community in 2017.