Brim silos featuring artwork by Brisbane artist Guido Van Helten.

Rural silos in regional Victoria became a unique canvas for Brisbane artist Guido van Helton, with the towering concrete structures adorned with the image of four characters. The work turned the town of Brim into an instant tourist attraction, and gave the town of 100 a unique claim to fame. Following in van Helton’s lead, Fintan Magee, a world-class street artist, began work last month on silos in Patchewollock. Magee has worked on sites all over Europe, and completed his work in the Victorian silo just in time for the town’s music festival. With Harden home to the former flour mill, as well as the Cunningar Grain receival and storage site, the twin towns offers plenty of opportunities for such a unique project. Tourists travelling along the Burley-Griffin Way would surely be inspired to stop and inspect a colossal concrete column adorned with artwork. Something to think about for our local artists. Maybe a Bill The Bastard mural