Everyone’s favourite gas attendant Reuben Rycroft has been burning rubber.

Most of us are used to seeing Reuben Rycroft’s smiling face at Harden Fuel Supplies each morning. Not all of us knew that he is a rev head and that after his wife, his great love is his motorcycle and that he gets on it and travels as much as he can. His recent adventure has been the Steven Walter Children’s cancer foundation, which he and his group have been participating in for the past 10 years.

Reuben said, “This year we had over 3,000 riders take part, we each pay $60 to take part, this includes entry into the national parks. We start in Cooma after a big night which includes the National Busking Titles. Cooma comes alive, it is a huge weekend.” “There is a separate section for dirt bikes and there are bikes of all shapes and sizes”, Reuben said. “On Saturday we rode between 400 and 500 kms through most of the snowy towns and villages. Some of the boys like to see some snow and they weren’t disappointed this year. We were shown fantastic hospitality at Dennam Inn at Thredbo where we stayed in top class accommodation for a nominal fee of $150.

I have made my booking for next years event.” Reuben said. Reuben said the mass ride is not to be missed when a grand parade of bikes, under Police escort, takes to the streets, carrying some of the kids and their families. The kids also get the opportunity to take helicopter rides over the snowy mountains and forget their illness for awhile. Reuben said that the families travel from Sydney, in Honda buses and that Honda donate two bikes for raffles for the weekend. Reuben arrived home Sunday after a huge but exhausting weekend. Well done Reuben.