Top: Paul and Robyn Atherton with Peter Orr.


 Rachel Roberts, Jetta Kennett, Annabelle Ryan, Megan Roberts, Abbey Roberts Jack Kennett, Julie Roberts, Jessica Ryan. Students managed by Bronwyn Ryan.


 Margaret Atkinson.


Neva Napier who won 3 awards on the night with Connie McFadyen.

The Annual Art Show, which is on display at the Murrumburrah Court House, was opened last Friday night by the Hilltops Administrator Wendy Tuckerman. Over 145 entries were received from artists from all over the region. One of the artists Neva Napier who won three prizes on the night has been exhibiting since the show’s inception. Connie McFadyen spoke of her and Le Reine Beal’s involvement over the past 24 years and of the fact that a grant application has been submitted for funding to repair and repaint the grand old lady which is the Court House. Kruger Trust Director Jim Wright was on hand to present the G.O. Kruger award for $1000.

Connie said, “The support of the general public was good considering all the recent events. A lot of organisation goes into a show such as this. We appreciate the help we had with hanging the paintings and with the supper. ”

The results were as follows:-Section 1 Bendigo Bank Prize. 1st Denise Sholz-Wulfing, 2nd Judith Spedding, Highly Commended; Pamela Heys, Stacey Holmes and Mary Marsh. Section 2 Drawing Ron Rivet Memorial Prize 1st Eunice Steinhardt 2nd Neva Napier HC; Cathy Hamilton and Kathryn Williams. Section 3 Oil/Acrylic 1st. Neva Napier, 2nd Robert Newman HC; Eunice Steinhardt, Margaret Carr and Robert Newman. Section 4 Watercolour G.O.Kruger Trust $1,000. 1st Raylee Williams, 2nd Raylee Williams, HC; Carolyn Shaw and Karen Walsh. Section 5 Contemporary/ Modern 1st Margaret Atkinson, 2nd Karen Walsh, HC; Karen Walsh Pastel. 1st Neva Napier, 2nd Cathy Pearsall, HC; Judith Spedding. Small Painting 1st Mary Marsh, 2nd Margaret Carr HC; Denise Scholz Wulfing, Margaret Carr and Mary Marsh.