BIll McCaskill and the residents of Galong are not happy with Hilltops Council and want the issues in the village fixed. The irony will not be lost that Bill is standing next to the tidy town plaque awarded to the village in 1992.

The village of Galong is not very happy with Hilltops Council. Galong Progress Association President Bill McCaskill said “Council is getting worse since the amalgamation, they’re saving plenty of money but they’re not spending it where it is needed.” The Galong Village volunteers many of whom are in their 60s and 70s have for a long period, looked after the town with mowing requirements. They volunteer their time and are provided with equipment to mow road sidings, parks and undertake general clean ups. Bill said “Levelling of the grounds in Limestone Park has been raised with Council on several occasions. Preliminary works were carried out (areas identified), but no further action has been undertaken. As the volunteers in the village mow this large area, the holes and indentations are causing health problems due to constant jarring. We now have an issue in that volunteers will no longer mow the area. Mention has been made of duty of care for volunteers to the council. The grass is now 3 to 4 feet high in parts and the park is unusable.” Bill went on to say “The Council is not doing anything out here unless it is an emergency. The roads are shocking, Boorowa road in particluar. Some people won’t even drive on it. Once you go past the mine it is terrible. We havn’t seen any money from the Sibelco Voluntary Planning Agreement. Who is holding the purse strings on that? A Committee was supposed to have been set up but it still hasn’t.” Bill said that he was meeting with managers from Sibelco yesterday, who he says are keen to get started and do things around the town. However it seems Hilltops Council is dragging the chain.

The long list of further issues mentioned at the Galong Progress Association include: Sanding and sealing of the floor in the annex at the Hall, shading and lighting at the BBQ area and Playground in High St, Limestone Park signage (old sign has gone missing), village road repairs and upgrades. Most roads are starting to be overrun by vegetation and quite a few potholes and edge breakage are appearing in the village. Sealing of Lindon Road from High St. to over the hill or railway crossing to alleviate major flow of gravel onto existing asphalt and dust issue in village from use of road by vehicles especially during peak farming season. Street renaming and house numbering seems to have stalled. It has been now over 6 months since that advice. Other matters previously raised and accepted but no action undertaken include: Sanding and sealing of the wooden floor at the oval club rooms. This has been quoted and accepted by the council and was to be undertaken before the end of the financial year. To date no further indication of the work schedule has been forwarded. The floor has not been done since it first opened or at least 20 years. The floor is still in serviceable condition and delaying will only result in extra cost. The building is being utilised twice a week by the Galong stitching group which has a strong local membership as well as from other villages in the Hilltops Shire. Heating and Cooling of the Memorial Hall.

“This has been listed in the work schedules since before I became a resident of Galong” Bill said, Every year it has been pushed back and now they have listed it as a costs for the Sibelco VPA. Registering the Memorial Honour rolls as Memorials. The final insult regarding the local hall was the removal of the memorial guns by Cootamundra Police which are yet to be returned which also needs to be achieved by Hilltops Council. Bill said “We have to adhere to Council requirements but they aren’t helping by doing anything for us.”

Hilltops Council General Manager Anthony McMahon responded to the Twin Town Times by stating “I have received some feedback from staff and can advise we will schedule the park relevelling to occur within the next month. New Limestone Park signage has been ordered and we are awaiting delivery for installation. Hilltops Council had limited time to respond to the Twin Town Times and may offer a more extensive response in next week’s paper