Prepare your home and yard for windy weather

Essential Energy is reminding customers to prepare their homes for the traditionally windy months of the year and minimise the risk of power outages caused by branches and debris being blown into powerlines.

Regional manager Southern, Steven Ilitch, said August through to November was renowned for gusty winds that could pick up vegetation or other objects and pitch them into powerlines or cause wires to clash.

“We urge householders to clear up their yards, remove loose debris and anchor items such as furniture, sheds and play equipment to minimise the risk of strong winds blowing them into powerlines,” Steven said.

“It pays to visually inspect trees near the power network and report any clearance concerns to Essential Energy – don’t attempt to prune vegetation near powerlines.”

Essential Energy recommends taking care when venturing outdoors in windy weather and remaining alert to potential electrical hazards.

“Exercise caution when engaging in outdoor activities, such as kite flying, during wild winds and remember to keep well clear of overhead powerlines,” Steven said.

If you come across a fallen powerline, stay at least eight metres away from the wires and anything in contact with them and call Essential Energy immediately on 13 20 80.