Member for Cootamundra Katrina Hodgkinson has welcomed the announcement that the State Government will be expanding Junee Correctional Centre, creating more jobs and boosting the local economy.

“This is great news for Junee and the broader district, with an additional 130 jobs to be created as a result of this announcement – including jobs in construction and administration as well as highly-trained correctional officers,” Katrina said.

“To cater for a rising inmate population, 480 new beds are set to be built at the Junee Correctional Centre and will open in 2018,”

“The state government understands the importance of correctional centres in regional towns like Junee, for boosting the number of jobs and economic opportunities,” Katrina said.

“The extension will have a very positive impact on local businesses which will benefit from increased trade and I’m assured that Corrective Services is committed to the recruitment of new staff within the surrounding region.”

Katrina said Corrective Services will soon complete a Review of Environmental Factors for the Junee extension, which will address social and economic impacts, visual amenity, traffic, environmental impact and Aboriginal heritage.

The community is encouraged to provide feedback on the proposal and these comments will be included in the REF. Community members can provide feedback at

The NSW Government has committed $3.8 billion over four years to add about 7,000 prisoner beds and increase the capacity of the state’s correctional system. Over 4,000 beds will be delivered across NSW over the next three years.