John Donohoe will be launching his new book “Ben Halls Last Days” at Barnesstore on the 12th June at 10.30am John will be doing a 40 minute talk followed by Q&A and book signing. “Here is a story that has everything: strategy, endurance, treachery and mystery…..not to forget the tragic death of Australia’s most prolific bushranger. What more would a curious writer need to make him write about it? “In writing this book, I’ve attempted to adhere to events relating to Hall and his gang from 29th April to 6th May, 1865-a period of eight days, with some background thrown-in. The starting date is relevant since it is the date that a force of eight, led by sub-Inspector Davidson, left Forbes at 4 A.M. for the precinct where an informer had said the gang would be found. The end-date is the day after Hall was killed, when his body was identified by a relative and was also examined by a physician in Forbes I have then continued with what occurred directly after this time and have done something of a sum-up of Ben Hall’s life, death and legacy (what he left behind). Along the way I’ve included some conjecture which may or may not be relevant. Although unlikely to be empirically proven, I believe these comments make for an interesting read.” – Author