An artist’s impression of what the skate park will look like.

The Harden Skate Park is now set for construction commencing mid April, 2016. This means skaters, families, the committee and the community will have a chance to watch their skate park rise from the ground in just a couple of weeks. The skate park will be located on the southern extremity of Newson Park.

The project, put through a public tender process by Harden shire Council, was awarded to Precision Skateparks Pty Limited of Victoria utilising builders who specialise in skate park construction. This company has been responsible for the construction of numerous skate parks in northern Victoria, the Riverina of NSW, as far north as Coffs Harbour and at Batemans Bay on the coast.

There has been a lot of behind the scenes work by the Harden Skate Park Committee in getting the project up to this critical point. Fund raising for the project at public and corporate levels, grant chasing, co funding from Council and design plan preparations have been the focus of the committee over the past four years.

The Council, on behalf of the Harden Skate Park Committee would like to thank its corporate sponsors and the public for the donations received to date therefore enabling the project to occur.

Any further information on this project can be gained by contacting the Council office during business hours, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00 pm on 02 6386 0100.