This week’s local legend has a special affinity with water, well finding it, that is. Brother Clement or Clem is well known in the district for divining water which he says is a ‘gift from God’.

If you’re Christian, this weekend including Easter is a solemn and joyous occasion at the same time.

Brother Clem’s gift was nurtured by his uncle Leo Holz when he was 18. He said, “My dad and my brother were unable to do it but my uncle and myself could”. Some have likened it to witchcraft but this angers the mild mannered brother as he says it is something quite a few people, in fact up to 70%, can actually do but they are unaware they also have the gift. It just needs to be nurtured. He said, “There is no scientific basis to it and I can’t explain how it works. It just does.”…… find out more in this week’s Twin Town Times out Thursday March 24.