2016 Devils: Back row – Jason McGuigan, Ethan Bates, Harry Sachs, Zac Allen, Toby Hayden. Front row – Ben Corkhill, Ben Brady, Corey Pearsall, Fergus Hall and Clint Stevens.

The Harden Red Devils aren’t letting the fact they don’t yet have a coach hold them back in 2016. Players have commenced training at Robert’s Park on Wednesday night at 7pm and are taking the training very seriously. The boys put themselves through a number of difficult drills and strength exercises in order to get them in to shape for the first match, which commences on Saturday April 2 against Jindabyne at Robert’s Park.

The club held their Annual General Meeting on Monday night and discussed a range of subjects including: players sponsorships, old boys reunion matches, playing strips and the all important 40 year anniversary dinner. The feeling around the club has taken on a different mood this year with the celebrations for the 40th Anniversary becoming a focal point. “The Club has some money,” said Vice President Clint Stevens. “Like any club we need to work hard and fundraise so that we can put a team on the paddock. We have to keep between 20 and 25 players in training and kitted up with playing gear. For the away games down the coast we will take cars or a bus.” The club is calling on old boys and past players to not only support the team at home games this year but think about the sponsoring a player. Clint said “We can get Devils rugby back in Harden in 2016 and keep it if everyone chips in and helps.”

A few names have been thrown around as to who may coach the side in 2016 with former player and first grade coach Matthew Stadtmiller stating he will be happy to assist a permanent coach this season if they wanted assistance. The club is always looking for more players in both the forwards and the backs and have a few vacancies in the backs which need filling. Clint said, “We don’t have a Fly Half at the moment and if we could attract a quality player it would give us some structure to work with for the boys.” If you would like to know more about training call Clint on 0488 155 920. If you would like to sponsor a player or help out in 2016 call Devils President Ged Davis on 0427 863 494