Cootamundra Saleyards & Associated Agents yarded 7886 animals which was a decrease of nearly 6000 from the previous sale. This translates to a monthly total close to 21000 head, which is the largest January total for over 20 years.

The sale was made up of

3226 Lambs

3310 Ewes

578 Hoggets

360 Wethers

217 Old Sheep

189 Rams

6 Stags

With a very wet morning and 12mm of rain falling throughout the sale, lamb numbers eased and the quality of the whole yarding was mixed. There was a limited number of heavy trade lambs on offer. The trade lambs that were presented met strong competition. There were a large selection of store lambs on hand although the re stockers were cautious with their purchases, with prices ranging from $74 to $96.00.

As usual there was a good field of buyers on the rail but not all were active during the sale.

 Top pen of trade lambs was presented by Bill Green of Bethungra which were XB lambs off the feeders that made $139.00 per head. With a $7.00 jacket and estimated 24.5 KG CW they came back at $5.35 KG CW and were knocked down to Cobram Abattoirs after spirited bidding.

Most trade lambs ranged from $5.30 to $5.80 / KG CW and were generally $4 to $8.00 per head better than last sale.

Once again a large mutton offering was presented and quality mixed with large runs of light plain sheep. Mutton with good covering met solid competition and were $2 to $4.00 up from last sale, but the plainer end were up to $6 to $10.00 cheaper.

Heavy Merino ewes with big jackets sold to $120.00 with XB ewes selling to $103.00. Medium framed ewes sold between $50 & $70.00 with light ewes selling from $30 to $40.00. Most mutton was in the $2.50 to $ 3.30 KG CW.

The next Sheep sale is on Wednesday the 10th of February commencing at 10am. Please book early with your preferred agent.