Harley Blackman has retired as an employee of Tegra after almost 43 years of service. Harley drove 1.2 million kilometres in the trcuk pictured above.

One of the most recognised faces of the twin towns usually seen on a road near you has hung up the keys to the truck and retired as of Christmas Eve 2015, aged 74. Harley Blackman joined John Sargent almost 43 years ago, before they became known as Tegra, and has become very well known on the roads around southern NSW.

His early days were spent hauling pipes and culverts from Hume’s Pipeworks to Sydney, Canberra and the Central West. In later years, he carried sand and metal out of the quarry at Jugiong. Harley remembers working with drivers such as Bob Harris and Terry O’Keefe as the business expanded. “Harley was a trusted, well respected and incredibly reliable employee,” Barb Sargent said, “We can’t actually remember Harley having a sick day during his time with us.” He had his own “Harley’s Truck” which he kept in immaculate condition and was the first employee to arrive each day, usually between 4.30 and 5.00am. He had his own shed in which to park the truck.

Other workers asked why he claimed the shed and he said, “Because I built the bloody thing!” His last truck clocked up 1.2 million kms and a T-Line he drove in earlier days made 600 miles. Harley said he enjoyed driving because he could run his own race. He said John was a great boss and he enjoyed the company of Darren and Craig, as well as his co-workers. His plans for retirement include gardening and spending time in his shed. He and Judy already have one of the most immaculate gardens in the twin towns. He will now have time to devote to his photography. Apparently he has quite a collection of trucks he has photographed over the years.

He says he is having problems getting used to staying in bed, having always been an early riser, but it is early days as yet. Judy and Harley have travelled extensively to many parts of the world and Australia. Harley was a member of the local fire brigade for 25 years. Harley would like to thank the Sargent family for all of the opportunities he has been afforded over the past four decades.