In December a development application was lodged with Council for a major development proposal for a 2,200 sow pig farm in the vicinity of Eulie Road Harden.

The development application that has been lodged by Blantyre Farms Pty Ltd describes the development as comprising 16 sheds to house 18,000 grower pigs and 5 sheds at the breeder site to house breeding sows and weaner pigs.

The development is classified in planning terms as Integrated and Designated Development and will require approval from the NSW Environmental Planning Authority and the NSW Office of Water.

The documents comprising the development application and supporting documentation including an Environmental Impact Statement may be inspected at Council’s Administration Office, 3 East Street, Harden or they may be viewed electronically on the Council Website. The documents may also be inspected at the Head Office of NSW Department of Planning & Environment 23-33 Bridge Street Sydney.

The development proposal was placed on public exhibition from 18th December 2015. Due to the closure of Council’s and Government offices over the Christmas period Council has extended the public exhibition period for the development application until 5th February 2016.

Submissions on the development proposal may be made in writing and delivered to Harden Shire Council, PO Box 110 Harden NSW 2587. Submissions may also be made electronically to