Hawks Nic Fuller and Nathan Schofield ‘crunch’ a Boomanulla Raider on Saturday.

Round No. 8 of Group 8’s George Tooke Shield R.L. Competition clicked into gear at McLean Oval last Saturday afternoon, when our visitors the Canberra based Boomanulla Raiders ran on decked out in their brightly coloured Orange, Yellow, Black and white strips, to face the undefeated Harden Maroon and White Hawks. Play began at a hectic pace, with neither team willing to budge. The first 10 minutes based solely on defence. Then in the blink of an eye the drought was broken, by the Raiders, when their big second rower No. 12 charged over to give Boomanulla their first converted try and a 6 points to nil advantage.

Giving away 2 penalties soon after, Harden Hawks were certainly on the back foot. Their momentum then changed into a much more positive mode, with a backline movement, that put the Hawk’s winger Matt Schofield scampering away , 40 metres downfield. Attemping to pass infield he threw blindly towards his brother Nathan, however the ball was touched in flight by a defender, bouncing in goal, for Nathan to follow through and touchdown, giving the Hawks their initial try and one of many for the afternoon. The successful conversion by Andrew Jones levelled the score at 6 all. Not content with one try, Harden were in again soon after, when dashing Duncan Stewart sliced through a yawning gap, running well into Raiders territory, before sending Luke Brown over for the try and the Hawks led 12-6. Boomanulla had started well, but seemed to quickly run out of puff.

Luke Brown capatilised on this advantage, crossing for his double. Then Duncan Stewart, who was playing great football in the centres for Harden, really put the cat amongst the pigeons (sorry Hawks) with a great 30m converted four pointer, and Harden had a big lead of 22-6. Duncan’s centre partner Nick Fuller, thought whatever you can do I can do better, sprinting 75m un-touched to score between the posts . Winger Josh Quinn, just before the break was on the end of a slick Hawk’s backline sweeping movement and he completed the charge in the corner. And at half time Harden Hawks, had shown their superiority to lead 32-6.

It was LADIES PINK DAY at McLean Oval as well atop the Grand Stand, and just as the Hawk’s displayed Champagne Football on the field, the lovely ladies were sipping similar “stuff “ (hic) upstairs. The second half lulled a bit for the initial 20 minutes. But was brought back to life when bearded Hawk Brent (Dickie ) Turner busted through in fine style to advance the Tally in Hawks’s favour 38-6. Sensing a tired Boomanulla Raiders outfit, Harden Fullback Andy Jones then scored 2 scintillating tries towards the end and adding to his 7 goals was Man of the Match. With the tally standing now at 50 to 6, and the Scoreboard clock ticking as the final rays of the sun gleamed down on the HARDEN HAWK’s sparkling overall performance, together with all the cars assembled on the hill area; Duncan Stewart added the final touches with his team’s tenth try, and a final SCORELINE of HAWKS 54 Raiders 6.

As well as those mentioned– Nick Fuller, Luke Brown and Chris ( Gopha ) Mason can take a bow, in an overall team top showing. On Saturday next Its Down to Yass and Walker Park to take on the Magpies in 1ST Grade & Women’s League Tag. GOOD LUCK. WINGS.