Earlier in the year the Harden Junior League submitted a request for an NRL ambassador to attend our Pink Charity auction and we were successful with getting Alan Tongue the former Canberra Raiders Captain and now a Television and Radio Commentator. This is a great thing for our small town and I hope everyone can come along and support the effort we have put into getting such a high profile personality to come to our small town and help raise funds for our clubs and our Local Can assist branch. Alan will be at the Country Club from 5:30pm to meet and sign autographs. After the Senior Hawks presentations, the Charity Auctions will commence in the bar with Seniors and Juniors having a number of Pink Jerseys to bid on. Tony Gahan from Young has kindly offered to again be our Auctioneer on the night and he will be assisted by Alan. As well as this Alan will talk about his NRL Career. Everyone is welcome with free attendance, it will be interesting to see how many Raiders fans are actually in town, I know of one who will no doubt be seen hobbling around on his crutches. So bring the family and kids along on Saturday night and support the town and club.