The World’s Greatest Shave has hit Harden Murrumburrah in 2015, with two very well known local ladies taking part. Michelle Howe and Julie Shean’s brother passed away in 1981 from Leukemia. He was just 21. Since this time they have always wanted to do something for the Leukemia Foundation.

Michelle’s daughter Sam Darmody shaved her head when she was in year 9 at Murrumburrah High School, raising $1800.

Michelle said “It was a great effort, and as there are two of us we want to set a challenge and try to double it.”

Michelle and Julie are taking donations and sponsorship at the Retro Cafe and they said all donations are tax deductible. The shave will occur at the Light Horse Hotel on Friday March 13 at 8pm with Jodie Pollard from Panthers Hair and Beauty shaving Michelle’s hair and Nyssa Young from NY Hair and Beauty shaving Julie’s hair.

Some of Michelle and Julie’s friends have offered to make large donations to cut parts of their hair off. Donations can be made on The World’s Greatest Shave website by typing in either of their names.

Julie and Michelle joked that they are already being called Bald Eagles by their friends. Michelle has been growing her hair for over 2.5 years.

We hope that the local community can rally behind these courageous ladies who will have their heads shaved for a great cause. Make sure to put March 13 in your diary at the Light Horse Hotel for this great event.