The Shop Local Campaign is in full swing with retailers reporting that residents are embracing the initiative.

Jen Sheridan of the Community Bank said “We have had some great reports from some of the businesses with locals shopping and filling out their tickets.”

One lucky resident will win $6000 worth of local products and services to be spent in particpating businesses listed below.

There are only 13 days left to enter the draw and it can be achieved by making purchases of $10 or more, and filling out the ticket and placing it in the box at the business.

The winner will be drawn at the Community Bank on December 24 at 4pm and the winner will be announced via the Twin Town Times Facebook page and website.

The Shop Local Campaign has been run by the Harden Community Bank in conjunction with the Twin Town Times. It is designed to get residents to think about shopping at local businesses first and to keep money and jobs local.

28 business owners have come onboard for the campaign, with plans to run another campaign early next year. Each business has put several hundred dollars in and shown faith in the retail sector in the area and the residents, to help promote shopping local in the Harden-Murrumburrah area.

It is common knowledge that some of us often head out of town to buy products in the neighbouring towns of Cootamundra, Young, Wagga and Canberra. The Harden Shire area has approximately 3600 residents. If each of those residents spent just an extra $500 each year on local products and services it would inject $1.8 million in to the local economy. Something to think about?