Nick Heywood took out the Apprentice of the Year title at the Southern District Racing Association last Friday November 21.

The talented 18 year old Jockey thanked Peter and Nerida Clancy of Leeton and his father Chris for the guidance they have given him so far. “It’s a great award to win but I couldn’t have done it with out all the support and help from people around me.”

Nick has been kept off the race track for the last 4 weeks with a major knee injury that occured at a Goulburn race meeting, a month ago. Nick picked up a last minute ride after already being booked for several rides on the day when the horse reared up in the gates. Nick said, “It flipped itself over and my knee got stuck between the horse and the gate causing a nasty injury. I have some damage to my knee with a fracture either side of my knee and some damage to my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). I will be getting an MRI in mid Decemeber to see if it has healed enough for me not to require surgery.”

Nick said he’s had enough of the crutches and wants to get back in the sadlle, but must give his knee a chance to heal first. He joked that since being at home an out of work he has put a couple of kilos on. If all goes to plan Nick will be back in the saddle in about 3 months where he will hopefully continue to improve as a Jockey.

“I want to come back a better rider and as soon as I can ride again, I will be doing my best to become a better Jockey.” said Nick.