Despite the unfavourable weather, the Carpathon has yet again provided some good numbers for fishing fun over the weekend. Total entrants for 2014 were 145, although down 29 on last year, everyone seems to have still reported some good fishing and fun removing a recorded 268 or half a Tonne of Carp from the Murrumbidgee River.

Well done to everyone who was lucky enough to get a winning fish.

Junior Fisher boys and girls with a total of 27 entrants, saw Joel Hawker and Bailey Piper equal 9th place with fish 560mm, Amelia Elphick and Will Trindall equal 7th with 600mm fish, Ella Grange in 7th place with 605mm, Charlie Trindal, Henry and Dillan Webber equal 3rd place with 630mm, Macey Bryant in 2nd place with 650mm and Cooper Jones with the winning fish of 660mm.

The new division of the Intermediate Boys was as competitive as expected with 22 boys registering, with Kyall Penny and Caleb Piper coming in equal 4th with 600mm fish, Samuel Jones with 605mm coming in at 3rd place, Lui Polimeni bringing in 2nd place with a 610mm and Patrick Fairley casting in a 700mm taking out the Intermediate boys.

The intermediate girls was a new division with 10 entrants, however only 4 lucky enough with their casting, saw Leah Fitzgerald bring in her 560mm in 4th place, Samantha Cross with 570mm in 3rd, Alissa Stewart with 585mm in 2nd and Ellie Ward a 605mm to take out 1st place.

Allowing the Ladies to compete without the male domination in a combined division saw 22 Ladies over 16 years enter with Victoria Ward taking out 3rd with 635mm Carp, Jacinta Neiberding in 2nd with a 715mm and Hayley Willsallen taking out the division with 730mm.

Then we had the ever so competitive Senior Males division of 64 entrants over 16 years bringing in 138 Carp between them. Lang Magnusson took out 3rd place with a 735mm carp, James Griffin with a 750mm and Steven Cross (pictured) hooking the winner with 780mm, weighing in at 6470g or 14.26 pounds.

Mystery fish was taken out by Audrey Grange in the Juniors and Jacob Fitzgerald in the Intermediates.

Thanks to Bald Hill Quarry the entrant prize seemed to attract everyone’s attention with anticipation.

Juniors Entrant Prize of $300 cash went to John Elphick and Audrey Grange took out 2nd place with a mystery bag. Seniors Entrant prize went to Zac Pirie and George Harbrow in 2nd place with a Camp chair.

Raffle Results 3rd prize, consisting of Jam and Chutney hamper from the Long Track Pantry and a Fresh fruit and Veg pack thanks to Gino’s Fruit and Veg went to Mike Smith. 2nd prize of a quarter of a beast of beef thanks to Bill and Jill Fairley went to Mrs Bush. 1st prize of 2 nights for 2 adults and 2 kids thanks to Burrinjuck Inland Waters Holiday Park along with a quarter of a beast of beef, thanks to Bill and Jill Fairley went to R.B Elphick.