Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has announced funding for Harden under the Government’s Safer Streets election commitment.

“I am pleased the Harden Shire Council will receive $8,000 in funding under our Safer Streets programme. The Council has recently signed a funding agreement with the Government for three new CCTV cameras on Neill Street,” Mr Taylor said.

“I know the presence of CCTV cameras will add to the great work already achieved by the Harden Shire Council to revamp the main street for small business owners, visitors and the local community.

“It is unfortunate that small towns occasionally have instances of vandalism and graffiti, or disorderly conduct after hours. The Government’s Safer Streets programme is designed to help reduce such instances and ensure the local business hub is a positive environment for the whole community.”

Harden Shire Council’s Director of Technical Services, Mark Crisp, said the funding would help the council and local law enforcement officers address street crime.

“We welcome the funding opportunity to establish the CCTV cameras in Harden. The Safer Streets funding will assist in curbing anti-social behaviour in the CBD area, which is a place we are all proud of.” Crisp said.

Mr Taylor said Harden was one of four local government areas in Hume to receive funding under the Safer Streets programme.

Pictured is Angus Taylor on Neill Street with Harden Shire Councillor, Chris
Manchester and Director of Technical Services, Mark Crisp.