Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has announced Roads to Recovery funding of $2,269,302 for Harden Shire.

Mr Taylor said Harden Shire Council could expect to receive total funding of $2,269,302 between 2014-15 to 2018-19, with $378,217 to be allocated in 2014-2015.

“These funds will make a real difference in building roads, repairing streets and creating better access across Harden Shire.

“The Government is doubling Roads to Recovery payments to councils next year (2015-16), which will be a tremendous windfall.

“Importantly, the Roads to Recovery Programme is set up to allow road spending decisions to be based on local needs, to ensure that funding is truly directed to where it is most needed.

“Local councils can lodge their applications in October, which will allow payments under the new Roads to Recovery programme to be made this November,” he said. “Harden Shire Council has capitalised on the opportunity to apply for infrastructure funding under the Government’s Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme.”

Mr Taylor said the Black Spot Programme for dangerous roads was also still open for nominations from local government, community organisations and individuals.

Further information please visit http://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/funding/blackspots/ For further comment please contact Sarah Bucknell at the Hume (Goulburn) Electorate Office on 4822 2277 or 0448 111 669.