Local athlete Samantha Cross will return to Australia today after what she descibes as “Jammed packed 16 days”.

Sam said “I have made many lifelong friends, Australian and American and have seen a beautiful part of the world.” Sam travelled through or went to Santa Monica, Hollywood Boulevard, Beverly Hills, Tijuana in Mexico, Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, The Grand Canyon, Disneyland and Universal Studios, to name just a few.

She said “From day one I instantly made friends and became part of the team and we all worked as a team.”

Samantha said that there were coaching sessions most mornings on the trip which meant rising at 5am with the other athletes for training.

Samantha competed in three competition races gaining her best result in the first race titled the UNLV XC Invitational at Sunset Park, where she placed 2nd out of over 100 athletes.

The next two races were held at Bonnie Springs Ranch and the Foothills High School. Samantha said “I am proud of my effort and I feel like I have done my best in representing Australia. I am particularly happy with the times I ran considering the climate and the terrain.

She said,” I have learnt more than ever I thought I would and recommend anyone who gets the chance to take it”.

Sam (back row second from right) is pictured with her team mates in USA.