Jugiong local Senior Constable Wes Leseberg of the Yass Local Area Command (LAC) said, “Police Remembrance Day is essentially our version of Anzac Day. We remember those who’ve gone before us and those who’ve been killed in the line of duty,” He said.

“Camaraderie is everything to us, it provides police members with security and peace of mind in difficult situations. We can’t police without the community. We police for them. The local communities we live in tell us what’s going on and without them and the information they pass on we couldn’t do our jobs as well as we like to.

Snr Constable Leseberg says, “It’s important to build rapport with the community as it assists police in overcoming a number of barriers in regard to crime-prevention. Mistrust is a definite barrier, but who you are as a police officer individually will determine how well you get along with people, especially in small communities.

He went on to say, “We like to bring the horses along to services and events like this because that really breaks down those barriers. People come up and have a chat, pat our horses and realise we are just people. Anyone can come and have a yarn with us and know we’re not going to bite.

“We’re not looking to lock everybody up, we’re happy just to talk,” he said. “It’s most important to engage with our community and have them engage with us.”

A minutes silence, national anthem and police ode was read during the ceremony.

Pictured are Sergeant Steve Magnone, Police Chaplain Rev. Ron Robinson, Snr Constable Danielle Leseberg and Snr Constable Wesley
Leseberg at the Jugiong Police Memorial Service held in Jugiong on Monday. Photo courtesy of Paula Butt.