The Harden U13s League Tag side will play their second Grand Final in two years on Saturday against Temora. The side travelled to Wagga on Saturday to take on the Young Cherrypickers in their do or die final.

The odds were stacked against the girls for a start with 2 injuries to players during the week. This left the girls short with only 1 player on the bench compared to Young’s 8.

Adding to the stress, was a miscount at the start of the game which saw the girls under the pump for the first 10 mins, playing 10 on 11.

Young had all the ball early & they were attacking hard on our line, as well as this they were unable to complete their first 4 sets, which put more pressure on themselves. Once we got back to 11 on 11 we started to hold the ball & the tides started to turn.

It didn’t take long for Amanda Noakes to break through the defence & score first points. The play of the first half was very back & forth with our girls continually dropping a lot of ball but they were able to hold on at the break to take a 4-0 lead.

The kick off in the 2nd half saw our girls start stronger than they did on the first half where they started to complete more sets & continued to build more pressure in both attack & in defence.

Just when it looked like Young were building with a sweeping back line movement, Ellie McCarthy took a surberb intercept to run almost the length of the field to score the 2nd try. Again the conversion was missed making the score 8-0.

The girls now really started to get on top of Young & were unlucky not to score again. With the hooter sounding they celebrated the tough win!

A big congratulations to all the girls on making their 2nd grand final in a row, with a replay of last years, decider against Temora & a chance to defend their title!

Good Luck next weekend girls. Go get em!

Please, if you haven’t already done so can you hand your raffle tickets in to either Kai Steele or any other member on the committee or Shelley Quinn at the High School, Leanne Davis at the Trinity School or Anne Sharman or Michelle Howe at the Public School. We need to get these in ASAP so we can finalise our raffle and pay for prizes.

Save the date on the 20th of September Presentation day 10am at the High School Hall, with BBQ to follow at the school with refreshments and continued celebration for the end of year all are most welcome at the Country Club. Hope to see you all there.

Last chance to purchase team photos which were taken by Kylie Halls Photography of Boorowa at Harden on the last round, these are $10 each if you would like one please contact Kai Steele on 0400 759 011 to place your order, money will also need to be paid to Kai before they are ordered and once ordered and paid for will be available to pick up at the presentation day.

Commiserations to the Harden Light Horse Hotel under 16’s Girls league tag, although you were beaten on the day, as a club we are proud of your efforts in making the finals and how you have stuck to your guns and how well you have played all year you’re a credit to the Town.

Congratulations to the Boorowa / Harden Automotive, Jackson Bakery & Harden Country Club U/13â’s Girls League Tag for making it into consecutive Grand Finals. We wish you all the best & hope you can make it back to back in 2014. I hope to see plenty of support for the girls at Nicholson Park, Cootamundra with kick off at 11am.

Player Profiles –

Erin Alcorn: Gives great service from dummy half, big improver.

Alyssa Brown: Always right in the thick of the action, never misses a tag, known to be the loudest voice in the side.

Ellie McCarthy: Probably our quickest player, plays out wide and covers up everything that moves. Looking to put Temora in a spin.

Emilie Quinn: Our chief organiser.

Tara West: Arrives to every training run on her prize winning miniature. Strong runner, has improved for a first year player.

Claire Houghton: Little hooty small in stature but has a mean bark. Loves to get involved with her dummy half duties.

Tess Barnes: Youngest player in the squad, but that does not stop her from getting involved.

Beth O’Connor: A real key to our chances of winning, has ability to score long range tries, no doubt her father will have her pumped up come kick off.

Gypsie Potts: Our mid-season recruit who has played the house down since joining the team. Quiet by nature but once she crosses the white line it’s game on.

Helena Manwaring: Played good consistent tag, unfortunately listened too much to the coach and is unavailable due to arm injury.

Amanda Noakes: Our little pocket rocket, chases everything that moves and can kick those important goals.

Sophie Canellis: A first year player who has improved immensely as year has gone on, is another great organiser.

Marlie McIntosh: Hoping for a warm day, as Marley is not to keen on the cold weather. A big improver who gets heavily involved.

Jessie Piper: Missed our semi final win with injury, hoping to have plenty of rehab to be fit for this week.

Katie Rose O’Connor: Stepping up from our 10’s to help out, very talented who won’t let anyone down if needed. Will join Beth in dad’s team talk.

Josh Quinn: Super coach going for his 2nd Grand final victory in 2 years, even a victory will still see the coach not wave his arms around!

Shelly Quinn: Manager extraordinaire believes she has more knowledge than anyone else in the team even though she has never laced up the boots. More than happy to give advice to the coach whenever she gets a chance! Also not afraid to show her excitement on the sideline and hopefully she can bring that enthusiasm to the team this weekend.

Michael Quinn: Trainer and also one of the members of the Hawks 40 year team will be hoping he can pass on some of his grand final experience to the girls on Saturday and let’s hope he can get out of a walk to actually run the water on Saturday! Fingers crossed he keeps a cool head with the referees on the weekend.