Transport for NSW has welcomed industry response to a tender, which has attracted two private sector proposals, to restore, reopen and maintain 200 kilometres of non-operational railway known as the ‘Cowra Lines’. 

“What’s been proposed, through the Cowra Lines tender, is a market-based approach, and we’re pleased to have received two responses from industry – the Australian Rail Partners Pty Ltd and the Cowra Rail Company Pty Ltd,” said Deputy Director General of Transport for NSW Freight and Regional Development Rachel Johnson.

“This response is an indication there are private sector organisations which see sustainable demand for freight on these lines and could be willing to invest in having them reopened.” Ms Johnson said the request for tender was the culmination of a strong partnership between Transport for NSW’s Freight and Regional Development and five local councils – Blayney, Cowra, Weddin, Harden and Young – to investigate the potential viability of sustainable freight operations on the suspended Cowra Lines.

“The NSW Government has listened to and acted on the calls of the five councils and their Mayors for the government to work closely with the private sector to gauge interest and investigate if the Cowra Lines can be reopened and made commercially viable again,” she said.

Rail services were suspended on the Cowra Lines (the lines between Blayney and Demondrille, and Koorawatha and Greenthorpe) between 2007 and 2009 due to safety concerns and low freight volumes.

The tender, which opened on Monday 24 March 2014 and closed on Friday 25 July 2014, invited the private sector to submit proposals for restoring, operating and maintaining the Cowra Lines on a commercially sustainable basis under a fixed term licence.

Re-opening the lines could provide additional rail freight capacity for the Central West region and provide a boost to local industries and economies.

The NSW Government will now review the private sector responses to determine if they have addressed the previously stated essential tender requirements.

The General Manager of Cowra Shire Council will represent the five councils on the Tender Evaluation Committee.