The rain had disappeared, and the sunshine came out as the She Devils made the trek across to the home of the superb parrot.

In what was assured to be a great game of bush rugby between two great clubs, the She Devils were chomping at the bit to hit the ground running.

With a full-strength team to boast, the girls were ready to put a big performance on against the Goldilocks.

Congratulations to the Goldilocks for fielding their first full team and subs.

You girls will keep hopping from strength to strength with each week.

From the kick-off, the ladies came out strong. Some great forwards work and some of that magic backline shine the ladies are getting to be known for and the girls were across early.

Captain Maddie ‘Bernie’ Douglass was directing the backline well and throwing some great long balls to put a few outside backs under the posts.

Some huge work again from our forward pack this week in securing the rucks against a solid Boorowa defensive line.

Credit must go out to all of our forwards. In the super coaches eyes, you are doing all the unloved work to create space for the ladies out wide to take the glory.

Well done.

Molly ‘Mouse’ Glover was just that all day.

A pest in both attack and defence for Boorowa and it’s great to see her stepping up with each game of football.

Sheena, Anna, Mel, Hayley and Kace all had some barnstorming runs and great defence.

Abby ‘Coota’ Perry was huge as always and has insisted that maybe wing could be her new position. Unfortunately for ‘Coota’, time ran out in the end of the game for her to fulfil this dream.

Maybe next game.

Georgia ‘Morge’ Murray had a blinder mixing it up in a few different positions and was well credited with players player, 3 points and 3 tries for the game.

Maybe Supercoach hugs are key to performance?

The rest of our backline was purely a cut above the rest.

‘Bernie’ crossed for four tries, Jordan ‘Mortlock’ Douglass for two and young Coralie for another after a great kick chase.

Young Isy Manch stepped up again and was great to see her getting a crack at halfback after our starting half decided she wanted to try and grow a set of horns.

Keep your head away from elbows and shoulders Mong.

What was most pleasing was being able to mix up positions yesterday and bring girls into places they have never played and not looking out of place.

Overall, a great game for our girls.

After two wins on the trot and 1st position locked in after the first round, the girls are looking good heading into the second half of the season.

Really starting to build the team and working together.

Super coaches Simon and Harry are requesting a meeting with the board for salary increase.

Two weeks off now and the girls will be looking to build again and into Young at Young.

We still need to work on certain aspects, but it’s great to see the girls starting to play what is in front of them and using a bit of rugby brain.

Go well.

The Devils Advocate