Ed and Alex Gebhardt have always had a passion for agriculture, growing up in the Harden district in the farming/grazing community.

Alex will be returning from University in September (having completed his Bachelor of Agri-Business) and Ed is currently working between Forbes and the family property “Kanoona”.

Ed spent the last 18 months working as an agronomist for Ag and Vet services at Trundle after completing a Bachelor of Agricultural Science from Charles Sturt University. He and Alex have since decided that they would like to initially expand their current contract operations of transport and harvesting into spreading, spraying and windrowing.

When asked how farming is evolving, Ed said. “No longer can sons do exactly what their fathers have done in the past. We must look at international markets and the huge scientific influence over the industry.” He said “Large corporations are buying up smaller holdings and devoting specialists to each corner of their business, as the challenges they face are dynamic.”

For farmers to be competitive, Ed believes they must possess a series of skills in production, marketing and finance where possible and also have the ability to tweak their operation in order to meet those dynamic challenges.

Ed said he is endeavoring to build on his agronomy knowledge and his experiences, and hopefully provide some excellent services to growers and graziers in the area, in the future.

Ed asked his partner Steph Menano-Pires to be his wife on Friday and she said “yes” which means that Steph, who is a vet, may settle in the area with Ed in the future.

To contact Ed or Alex call 0427 877 910.