Young Regional School of Music recently appointed a new CEO, Dr Wendy Brooks to the role. Wendy has a wealth of knowledge and a passion for reaching out to every child to encourage them to embrace the world of music and the rich tapestry it offers. The school has thirty four students from Cootamundra and eighty two students from Harden.

Wendy has a stellar pedigree having worked in music education for 35 years, teaching in primary and secondary schools in western Sydney, and lecturing in teacher education at two universities. Wendy teaches piano, and enjoys being part of group music-making. “This School of Music does great work in the schools, I’ve been very impressed so far with the work that they’re doing. What we’re looking for as a school is to expand that and grow the school so we can service more schools and also broaden the geographical area we cover,” she said.

Wendy was director of the Upper Hunter Conservatorium of Music from 2017 until taking on her new role at Young.

Wendy said “I have been part of the NSW regional conservatorium community for almost four years, having been the Director of Upper Hunter Conservatorium of Music prior to my appointment as CEO of the Young Regional School of music.  I am passionate about the work our regional conservatoriums do, broadening access to music education for students of all ages in regional and remote areas of the state.

I have recently moved to Cowra with my partner, Peter, and am enjoying exploring the region. Three of my four (grown-up) children live in the Cowra area, and I love having them nearby. My first impressions of YRSM are that it is a community-centred school with an   efficient administrative staff, a very dedicated teaching staff and a strong Board. I am looking forward to working with this great team, and to meeting our students and their families.”

 Wendy is enjoying the tree change as living in western Sydney and working in the city involved countless hours of travel. The country life is proving to be a welcome relief from the stresses of city living and Wendy is excited to be working with such a wide variety of people and looks forward to enriching the lives of students throughout the region. 

The Young Regional School of music Young Regional School of Music (YRSM) delivers music tuition across the Hilltops Region in Southern NSW. Established in 1984 the organisation offers musical opportunities to students of all ages. 

YRSM reaches into the wider community with concerts to showcase the talents of its students, tutors and visiting artists.

From the vision of a group of parents in 1984 a vibrant School of Music has grown.  YRSM continues to grow and is the focal point for music in the Young, Cowra, Boorowa, Temora, Harden and Cootamundra districts.