A development application was put before Hilltops Councillors last night to determine the future of sporting facilities at the Harden Country Club with the majority of Hilltops Councillors approving the development. A number of Councillors expressed the need for more time to be spent between the club and nearby residents to mediate a better outcome for residents, however, this was not to be. A separate application for the redevelopment of the main club facility is still before Council.

The purpose of the report was for Council to consider the construction of 4 tennis courts (2 multipurpose courts), tennis pavilion, golf cart garages, maintenance shed, and associated earthworks, fencing and
stormwater works at the Club. The application has been referred to Council for determination as more than 4 submissions regarding the proposal were received.

The application was placed on public exhibition four times for a total of 52 days between 3 January 2020 and 20 March 2020 due to the submitted plans and documentation being amended by the Applicant in
response to public representations. At the close of the final exhibition period, 17 submissions had been received raising concerns with: noise, visual and acoustic privacy, light spill, amenity, view loss, access and the proximity of the sports courts to residential properties.

The recommendation of staff was to grant consent to the Development
The site is zoned RE2 Private Recreation by the Harden Local Environmental Plan 2011 (Intended for
recreational uses) and bounded by land zoned R1 General Residential to the north and R5 Large Lot Residential to the south. The golf course is located to the west and south of the development area being considered by this application.

More to come.