The Harden Country Club (front Photo) and the Harden District Bowling Club (pictured above) are awaiting advice as to when they can open their doors to members and guests.

Club’s NSW Media release. UPDATE: 4:45pm, 22nd May, 2020

The NSW Government has announced that from Monday 1 June 2020, restaurants and cafes across NSW can permit 50 patrons at any one time.

Importantly, a club’s patron capacity may further increase beyond 50 patrons – in increments of 50, up to a maximum of 500 – in accordance with the number of restaurants and cafes inside the club. For example, a club with two restaurants and one café can admit up to 150 people at any one time, on the basis of 1 person per 4 square metres and on the condition that those eateries are open at all relevant times.

Under these arrangements, clubs can permit patrons in the bar and gaming rooms up to the venue capacity and with 1.5 metres physical distancing in all areas.

ClubsNSW has been advised by the NSW Government that bar and gaming facilities are permitted to reopen from 1 June 2020.

Staff and contractors are not included in the capacity limit.

The NSW Government’s media release accompanying today’s announcement recognises the tireless work of ClubsNSW in reaching this outcome:

“Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello, who is responsible for liquor and gaming regulation, said the NSW Government had liaised exhaustively with both AHA and ClubsNSW to deliver this plan.”

ClubsNSW has strongly advocated to reopen all clubs in a safe and commercially viable manner, as soon as it is safe to do so.

In this regard, it should be noted that the NSW Government’s announcement is a significant step towards normal trading conditions and is considerably more favourable to industry than is the case in other Australian jurisdictions to-date.

ClubsNSW thanks the NSW Government for their support and willingness to engage with industry to reach this outcome. ClubsNSW will continue to liaise with the NSW Government to further clarify details including:

  • How restaurants and cafes are counted for the purposes of an additional 50 patron capacity
  • The requirements for ‘sign in and sign out’ of patrons
  • What hygiene/cleaning measures will be required
  • Whether any other features will result in increases to a club’s patron capacity; and
  • How the floorspace of individual eateries are calculated.

These and other matters will be confirmed in the coming days via ClubsNSW circular.

Under the new arrangements, a club must ensure that patrons remain seated and do not stand and mingle.

Clubs are advised to start taking preliminary steps to reopen their premises and consider how they will meet the strict CovidSAFE standards.

As noted in the aforementioned media release, ClubsNSW has given assurance to the Government that clubs are well-placed to adhere to comprehensive health and safety standards. It is important that clubs implement strict measures to demonstrate they are responsible venues that can safely operate as restrictions are relaxed.

The NSW Government has advised that any venue which breaches the reopening rules will be subject to a substantial financial penalty and may be shut down for a period. ClubsNSW will update you as soon as possible on how to comply, so a penalty can be avoided.

To help clubs make these preparations, ClubsNSW has developed a Club Industry Reopening Pack. The email which contains this circular also contains a circular with further details of the Pack.