Harden Pharmacy Staff outside the Harden Pharmacy entrance, Aimee Percival, Julie Kinlyside and Taylah Phillis.

The Harden Pharmacy has now been able to take down the restriction tape after screens were installed on the counters, keeping the staff and customers safe. The Pharmacy has had a number of social distancing
restrictions they have been abiding by over recent weeks. Hand sanitiser is available outside the entry to the pharmacy, social distancing rules still apply and if you are feeling unwell please call the Pharmacy instead of entering the shop. Alternatively you can call the National Coronavirus Helpline 1800 020 080.

Pharmacist at the Harden Pharmacy Phillip Whelan said, “Business has been chaotic, it has eased in the last few weeks. Most people have been reasonably sensible. We have Department of Health Guidelines we have to abide by. Biggest things for us in the first few weeks were, hand
sanitiser, toilet paper and face masks. We had run out within days. We
ordered more hand sanitiser from a Distillery in the Southern Highlands.”

The team at the Harden Pharmacy continue to look after all your
healthcare needs, offering a wide range of products and services.