Dear families, What a ride this term has been! Here we are, the last week of term with many families staying at home to reduce the impact of COVID-19. Parents who are providing an essential service have sent their children to school, but this has not stopped the learning.
We have embraced a duel model of educational delivery and this is likely to continue well into term 2. Our focus is clearly upon delivering quality learning that is sustainable and flexible for all students. Could all parents return workbooks to the drop off points, outside the office before Thursday. Teachers will mark this work over the holidays and it will be returned to students via the pick-up points at the beginning of term 2.
We will continue to make paper copies and technology available to those who need it. Our online communication will primarily be through dojo and online learning through Google classroom for students 2-6.
There is absolutely no need to purchase online learning resources. Learning support for students with additional needs are being provided by the Learning Support Team, mostly using Zoom.
There are no words to express how much I am looking forward to the day we are all back together again…safe and well. In the meantime however, we can still enjoy chocolate from the Easter Bunny, camping-out in the backyard and have fun making our Easter hats. This is a once in a life
time opportunity to slow down and enjoy being with your children!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional help or have questions you would like answered.

From my desk…
Clare Crawford MPS