Labor MLC Mick Veitch.

The NSW Labor Opposition has slammed the Liberal and Nationals Government for putting another Sydney project before vitally needed drought assistance.   The Berejiklian Government has reportedly ended a funding pause for the redevelopment of Pier 2/3 at the Walsh Bay precinct and approved millions of dollars for the project.  

NSW Labor Leader Jodi McKay has questioned how the Premier could possibly justify budget blow-outs like this as regional and rural towns run dry. “I would prioritise tackling the drought – for the simple reason, that if you don’t have water, you don’t have a life,” she said.   “Labor is in full support of the Walsh Bay Precinct redevelopment and is a big advocate of the arts but how can the Berejiklian Government afford this “bail-out” when we have much bigger issues to focus on?”  

“I’m calling on the Premier to reveal the true cost of the redevelopment. I believe this money could be better spent addressing the worsening water crisis.”  

Labor Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs Mick Veitch said the inequity in the Liberal and Nationals’ infrastructure spend is appalling.  

“The government has led voters to believe they would allocate 30% of the Restart NSW fund to rural and regional parts of the state, but since 2012 – only $2 billion has been spent in the country – which is a $2 billion shortfall, it is nothing short of a crime.” he said.   Since becoming the NSW Labor Leader, Ms McKay has been tirelessly touring rural and regional NSW and again challenged the Premier to do the same.