Our monthly meeting was held on Wednesday 6th November at Southern Cross Apartments with a generous roll up of members. Carol & Maxine were away in Griffith at the Can Assist Regional meeting, where they met many other wonderful members of Can Assist and heard lots of inspiring stories and ideas. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th December, and will also be our Christmas Party.

This again will be held at DJ’s on Neill after they did such a fabulous job last year catering for us. All members are invited to attend, 6.30 for a 7pm start. If you are planning to attend could you please leave your name at DJ’s by Friday 29th November. The cost for the night is $30 per person which can be paid on the night. We would love to see you.

Speaking of CHRISTMAS which is only around the corner, a reminder to put on your calendar the CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND at 46 East Street, opening on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th December, and the following weekend Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th December, from 4pm until 9pm. There will be lucky dips, BBQ and a selection of Christmas decorations for sale. Santa will be there to make sure he has your list and and opportunity to have your photo taken with him. This is truly a magical experience and one you do not want to miss with the display showing something different every year.

We are still looking for members to assist over the 2 weekends so if you are available please contact Sonia 0402 578000. A reminder that memberships are now due and they can be left at the Post Office or you can pay on the night of the Christmas Party.