Harden District Bowling Club President Shane McKellar with the new Roller. The Harden District Bowling Club is rolling into the future with a new roller for the green at the Club. The previous roller had been in use for over 25 years with maintenance becoming an issue on the ageing machine.

The board decided at their last meeting that it was time for an upgrade. Club President Shane McKellar said, “This one is a heavier roller, you can get different sizes. The old one was only a light roller. This one being a heavy roller will quicken the green right up.” With 7 rinks at the club the green has been in constant use for competition bowls, business house bowls on Wednesday nights as well as Mufti bowls on Sundays at 10am and 1pm.”

Shane said, “Synthetic is alright, but in my opinion it is a lot better to play on a real surface. You have got to maintain it. If you don’t keep on top of it, things can go wrong. Barney Reardon has been looking after the club for 8 years now.” The club is attempting to enter 3 pennant sides for next years competition. He said, “It will be the first time we have had 3 sides for a long time. Our membership is at 350 now. It doesn’t start until February and players can still get their names in.”

Those wishing to know more about bowls or learning to play bowls are welcome to come down to the Bowling Club and take part. All skill levels are welcome. Mufti bowls is played by both experienced and novice players and is a great way to take the sport up in a low pressure environment. Shane said, “There is no pressure we are happy to teach anyone.” The Club opens at 10am on Sundays for Muftis and with the new roller now in action, the green will no doubt continue to be very good for many years to come.