Hawks President Jason Pollard with new Harden Hawks Coach Matthew Morris.

The Harden Hawks Rugby League Football Club has appointed 27 year old Matthew Morris as the first grade coach of the Harden Hawks for the centenary season. Matthew played for the Belconnen Sharks in 2019 and hails from Forbes.  He has played Rugby League since he was 4 years old.

   He now lives in Canberra with his partner Kirstie and is a Carpenter by trade. He said that he was drawn to the Hawks by the positive feedback he had received from the Rugby League community in Canberra. “I played most of my senior league in Group 11 with Forbes. In Group 9 I played a year with Wagga brothers before Canberra.”

   It is Matthew’s first year as a Coach and he has highlighted the desire to do well in the centenary season.

    He said, “I’ve always played it, it has always been part of my life.”

He missed some footy through injury but couldn’t stay away from the game, “It’s one of those things that is bred into you from an early age.”

   Matthew is going to focus on “The locals and getting as many locals involved as possible and make it a successful year.” He said he has a couple of other guys from Canberra who are keen to have a run and who are former Harden boys. Matthew said, “I know a few mates who have played out there and they have told me how much they loved it. We probably just have to add a couple of others in here and there but the main focus will be on locals and having a successful year for the 100th year.”

   Matthew hopes to do some preseason training in the new year around January. The Hawks have also appointed coaches for the other Harden sides in the George Tooke competition.

Ladies League Tag, Jason Pollard.

Ladies Tackle, David Ings and Assistants Chris Hocking and Chris Ward.

Harden/Boorowa 17s Scott Duncan and Assistant Chris Whybrow.